How adorable is this picture? I don't know who this little boy is, but he has to be one of my grandmother's older cousins. I say this because he is in my great-grandmother's wedding photo. I think he is even wearing the same tuxedo. Maybe this was taken at the same time the wedding photos were taken. My great-grandparents were married in 1924, so I'm dating this photo the same year.
My favorite part about this picture is his hair: parted down the middle. It's such a 1910s/1920s hair style. It would look so strange if a boy did his hair like that now.

I noticed that many of the photos I have from the 1920s/30s are printed on the back of postcards, including this photo. I've read that there was this postcard craze in the beginning of the twentieth century. Maybe that is why I'm finding so many. Half of the ones I have are in Italian, and the other half is in English. This one was in English, which makes sense because my great-grandparents were married in America.
I'm dying to post the photos I have from my great-grandparent's wedding. They are amazing. They are just way to big to scan. I've been trying to take a picture of them using my digital camera, but they weren't coming out good. I'll keep trying....... Hopefully soon.