So, I just started a new part-time job at Lane Bryant. It's a nice store, and the history nerd in me loves the idea of working for a company that has been around since the early 1900's. Not many companies last that long. Even Sears is on the decline now.
I've always been a big girl, and the term "plus-size" has been in my shopping dictionary, but I'm guessing that the euphemism hasn't been around that long. According to the 1923 ad above, "stout" was used to market to us big and beautiful ladies. I honestly like the word. It might not be so feminine, but it gives off an air of power and confidence. "Plus-size" sounds like you are calling people abnormal. "There are normal sizes, and then there are plus-sizes."
At least it's better than chubby! I lol'ed at the ad on the bottom. Chubbies? Really? Who thought that was a good idea? Now that's just insulting! Hahaha.! Not sure on the date, but it looks around 1950-early1960-ish.