Here is another photo I know little about. I found it with other pictures of my great-grandmother during the 1920's, so I am assuming it was taken around the same time. Judging from the kid's clothes the 1920's seems about right.
Their clothes are fantastic! It reminds me of when my mom would dress me and my sister in the same outfits. My favorite parts are their shoes and stockings. I love old fashioned shoes. When I went to the St. James General Store here on Long Island, they had old shoes displayed behind the counter that I wanted to touch and examine so badly! I love any old household items. Forget the copy of the Gettysburg Address, I want to see Lincoln's toothbrush!
That's why the St. James General Store is so great. They have old boxes, signs, clothes, and
things of that nature on display. It's just a little torturous if you're like me and want to touch
everything. It is supposed to be the oldest continuously operated general store in the country. It's small, creaky, and uneven, but that only adds to its charms. They have a whole bunch of knick-knacks for sale, but the best is the candy!
Here is a site for more info if you want it : Link
I digressed a bit, sorry :)
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