Saturday, November 27, 2010

Come as you are

I love, with a great passion, vintage advertisements. Half the fun of watching Boardwalk Empire is looking at the old ads in the background on the boardwalk. I just think you can learn a lot about a culture by the ads.
What I love most about looking at vintage ads are the ones that you know would be a huge "no no" now. Like the one I posted above. At least I think an ad that depicted domestic violence and spousal abuse would be a no-no today.  Google "sexist or racist ads" and you'll see a whole bunch of ads that will surprise you.

Check out this Huffington Post thing about Outrageous Vintage Ads...

In the beginning of the month,  I posted a couple of racist ads that I found on other blogs, but I found another blog that had a few ridiculously racist  ads, like  "Darkey in a Watermelon."   It makes you feel ashamed.

But there are still racist commercials today. Did any see the commercial for the only black dating service? *cough* double standard *cough* There are a lot of double standards in advertising though. Just look how men are portrayed today. Half of them look like bumbling idiots. They used to make women look like dumb bimbos in old ads too; so I guess this is just retribution.

But I have hope that one day everyone will be considered equal, and that it will show in the ads. The French are a head of us, Americans. They have the gay McDonald's commercial, which I think is fantastic. But I can't help but feel a bit bad at the end of the commercial; the father doesn't know that his son is gay, and the son looks scared to tell him. I wonder what the people 100 years from now will think of our commercials.

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