Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crossing the Brooklyn Fer...ummm...Bridge....Okay maybe going half way.

Brooklyn Bridge

Fall is the season of accomplishments. I can yet again cross off another item from my bucket list: visiting the Brooklyn Bridge. It is hard to believe, that in the 21 years of my existence, and having lived so close to this world-famous New York icon, I've never been there until yesterday. I think tourists see more of New York than most natives. I've still never been to the Empire State building. (Note to self: add Empire State Building to B-list)

I've always been in love with the image of the Brooklyn Bridge. It's graced the backgrounds of many a electronic for me. I just think that it's a beautiful structure. It was completed in 1883, so the inner history lover in me just had to walk the same bridge that people have been walking for the last 130 years.

So no interesting fact post today. Just wanted to urge my fellow New Yorkers (and everyone else) to go see the bridge. At least go half way up like I did. The view is worth it. I love seeing all the tourists there, especially the international ones. The Brooklyn Bridge should also be called "Babel Bridge." I think you can hear every language spoken just walking up to the midway point. I just love seeing others enjoy this city---my city. It's like the author Thomas Wolfe said "One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years." It truly is the best city in the world. 

It's been more than 50 years thence, even more than 100 thence, Mr. Whitman, but I still get it. Yes I do.....

BTW the photo doesn't belong to me. Click on the picture to get more info on the photographer. 

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